Thursday, May 9, 2019

Embrace Your Elsa

Shit happens. Shocking revelation, I know, but it's true.

Things go wrong all the time, for everyone. I'm a card carrying member of the Murphy's Law Club after all the stones life has thrown at me. Things that shouldn't even logically happen to people, happen to me. I had to replace three tires and two wheels in under a year, on three different occasions. One of those times I had a flat because a bolt punctured my tire. Not a nail, a bolt. Belle Tire had "never seen that before". So yeah, I'm blessed in a very special way.   

My most recent special "blessing" came from one of my grad school professors. She assigned us a paper and y'all I KILLED IT. I cited extra sources, I interviewed Human Resources employees, I went past the length requirement, I mean I literally sent this paper to my parents and my husband I was so proud. Two nights after turning it in, I was accused of plagiarism. The professor called me, asked me if I plagiarized, and when I said no, she said she didn't believe me and was reporting me.  

So needless to say I started crying immediately, because I have absolutely no chill and this was one of the first times in my life I actually allowed myself to be proud of something I did. Just mildly traumatizing, but hey, my insurance covers therapy so that's cool. 

So I cried. I cried out of anger, and sadness, and pain, and then I went and got ice cream, which actually totally helped. That night I stayed up until 3 gathering evidence that I didn't plagiarize (which could get me kicked out of school, so no pressure or anything) and then I laid awake the rest of the night crying and panicking. 

The next day I had a decision to make. I could wallow in my misery and anger and anxiety, or I could shake it off and move on with my life. Worrying wasn't going to get my paper reviewed any sooner. Crying wasn't going to get my other classwork done. So I made a decision. I gave myself one day to pout, lay in bed, be pissed at the world, and hate everything. The next day, I had to adult my hardest and get down to business. 

It was days before I was vindicated and exonerated, and during those seemingly endless days, I got my other homework done, I worked, I showered, I ran my errands, and I lived my life. That's what I had to do, not just because it needed to be done, but because I couldn't let one bad thing put my entire life on hold. If I did that I would probably never leave bed again at the rate my shit hits the fan. I'm basically an HBO Original drama. 

So yes, sometimes life sucks just epically, and no it isn't fair or right or just. But when bolts or bitches come at you and try to knock you down, you just have to take a breath and #LetItGo. Do what you can to fix it or make it better, then move on. Once the power is out of your hands, it is out of the situation's too. Don't let a problem you can't control, control you. You will go crazy. Trust me, I've needed to be pulled back from numerous ledges. 

It is much easier said than done, and it definitely takes practice and patience, but you can do it. Not only can you do it, but you will do it. How do I know? Because the first time you feel the freedom of a moment free from stress, you'll be hooked. Calm is kinda cool (Ha get it? Elsa joke. Damn I'm punny). 

So embrace your inner Elsa, let it go (and go get ice cream), and just be happy. You deserve it.   

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